Thursday, December 26, 2019

Environmental Issues of Japan - 768 Words

The focus of this paper is the show you three environmental issues of that japan have in its country. The three environmental issues that Japans has are the Energy management, nuclear power, and fishing and whaling. Energy management, the first environmental issue, is how much japans waste’s energy on the cell phones and insulations in their homes. Nuclear power, the second environmental issue, nuclear power provides 35% of electricity and we all remember the earthquake that destroyed half of them that was a big issue. Fishing and Whaling, the third environmental issue, is about the food the fish way too much, and there is less fish and whales in their water for them to keep doing it. Energy management, the first environmental issue, is†¦show more content†¦The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant was completely shut down for 21 months following an earthquake in 2007. The 2011 earthquake and tsunami caused the failure of cooling systems at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on March 11 and a nuclear emergency was declared. This was the first time a nuclear emergency had been declared in Japan, and 140,000 residents within 20 km of the plant were evacuated. The total amount of radioactive material released is unclear, as the crisis is on going. On 6 May 2011, Prime Minister ordered the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant be shut down, as an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or higher is likely to hit the area within the next 30 years. Fishing and Whaling, the third environmental issue, is about the food the fish way too much, and there is less fish and whales in their water for them to keep doing it. In the Japanese diets, fish and its products are more prominent than other types of meat. Because of the depletion of ocean stocks in the late 20th century, Japan s total annual fish catch has been diminishing rapidly. Japan, along with the United States and the European Union, occupies the large part of international fish trade. Japanese fish catches were the third in the world in 2000, following China and Peru. The United States, Chile, Indonesia, the Russian Federation and India were other major countries. By 2004, the number of adult Atlantic Bluefin tuna capable ofShow MoreRelatedAustralia And Japan s Relationship1591 Words   |  7 PagesAustralia and Japan’s relationship has strengthened greatly over the last few decades. Japan has emerged from an enemy at the end of world war two to one of Australiaâ⠂¬â„¢s most important allies today. The relationship between the two focuses on a number of areas, in particular trade, as Japan’s economy is very prosperous to Australia. Maintaining such a relationship has not always been straightforward, often presenting difficulties where the countries stray in values and opinions. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheits Impacts on the World of...

Everything is measured, even the hottest and the coldest temperatures can be measured, and in that case, the word fahrenheit comes into use. the book Word People by Nancy Sorel, defines fahrenheit as â€Å"pertaining to a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 32 F and the boiling point as 212 F under standard atmospheric pressure† (Sorel 99). But the word fahrenheit, itself has its history of its creation, and was named after a physicist engineer, named Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit would soon change the world of measuring. Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was born on Danzig, Germany in 1869. He was one of Concordia and Daniel Schumann Fahrenheit’s five children. He was the oldest amongst his two brothers and three sisters, whom all survived throughout their childhood. Fahrenheit’s mother was the daughter of a well known Danzig business family (Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit Biography ) . His father was a wealthy merchant, and therefore his family was a merchant family, they in several Hanseatic cities . According to the book Word People by Nancy Sorel, at the age of fifteen, both of his parents suddenly died from eating poisonous mushrooms on August 14, 1701 (Sorel 99). His guardian sent him to Amsterdam, Netherlands to study business, where he spent most of his life. He

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Retail Industries in this Global World King

Questions: 1. Identification of the role of a recruitment agency? 2. The Reason behind the choosing of the recruitment agencies by the employers of Retail sectors? 3. The relevant criteria an employer should use to select an agency to recruit for them? 4. Analysis of the effective relationship building of The HR department with the Recruitment agencies? Answers: Introduction The retail industries in this global world are considered as the relevant source of the diversified and merchandised opportunities. King (2014) stated that the recruitment procedure is essential in considering the deployment of the skilled employees. The human resource management has to take the initiative to select the relevant employee for the organisation. However, Wood et al. (2014) implied that the retail industry is locating in a vast area. Therefore, the recruitment agency plays the vital role in recruiting the suitable candidate. The study will be illustrating the necessity of the recruitment process with the special reference of retail sector. 1. Identification of the role of a recruitment agency According to Katou and Budhwar (2015), the recruitment agency is the considerable firm, which is relevantly choosing the suitable candidate for the employers. However, it is important to note that there are several noticeable differences between the employment agencies and the recruitment agencies. Snell et al. (2015) indicated that the recruitment agency redirects the candidate for a particular employer whereas the employment agency is confirming the jobs of a candidate from indirect sources. It is to be ensured that the recruitment agency is aligned with the implementations of the skilled information technologies. Therefore, the recruitment agency gets aware of the requirement of the employer. Accordingly, the agency selects the candidate and makes them alert about the procedures or the responsibilities of the employer. The improvisation in the information technologies is thus very much essential for the recruitment agencies and the feature substantiates the recruitment of the IT people mostly. Abdullah et al. (2013) mentioned that in most of the cases, the employers of the IT firms are mostly using the recruitment agencies for selecting the suitable candidate. The professional engineers are mostly selected as the suitable candidate for concerning the field. 2. The Reason behind the choosing of the recruitment agencies by the employers of Retail sectors It is very much indicative that the recruitment and the selection process are very much time consuming and difficult in justifying the relevant candidates. Bach et al. (2012) opined that the process of recruitment facilitates the number games. Many fields in retail sectors are concerned about the suitable employees and therefore, most of the employees have to struggle for being selected by the employers. Even the employers have to work harder while recruiting the suitable candidate for a relevant post. Most of the employees, who are applying for the job roles are skilled enough, which makes the difficult situation for the recruitment department to select the right person suitable for the job role. The retail sector is usually aligned with the fashion segments, skilled selling power, hospitality management, and the other aspects. The recruitment agencies select the candidates who are skilled enough for applying in these job roles. On the other hand, it is to be ensured that the recruitment agencies present their specific needs. According to Findlay et al. (2013), the retail sector is including of different fields, such as IT field, hospitality team, service team, management team, operational team, sales team, etc. Therefore, the employer needs to specify the department where the employees and accordingly, the recruitment agencies will ensure the suitable candidate for the relevant job roles. Fischer et al. (2012) pointed out that the employers usually ask for the right people who are appropriate for their required job roles, which is sometimes get difficult for them to find out the apt employees. The recruitment agencies advertise the job roles, which is helpful for the candidates to apply for the position. The responsibility maintained by the recruitment agencies is helpful for the employers since it saves more time. The human resource management that is appointed to such recruitment agencies needed to be mor e skilled about the technicalities and other relevant aspects applied in the selection process of retail companies. The justification of the employees skills will be enhancing the productivity in the relevant area of the retail sector. The recruitment industries spend more time while interviewing the candidates and choose them. Even they can inform the candidates for the relevant key skills that are needed for the applications. The recruiters associated with the retail industries are much skilled in hiring the employees for the retail sectors. Guivarch and Hallegatte (2013) implied that the employers build a strong relationship with the clients associated with the recruitment agencies and it enhances the understanding capabilities between the partner associations. When a recruit company is knowledgeable enough about the companies policies, terms, conditions, requirements, and other subjected area, it gets easier to find out the appropriate employee who will be able take the responsibilities by assuring the skills. The recruitment industries help in staffing, which saves times and pressures of an employer. Hope (2015) pointed out that when a company needs a retail employee, they sometimes arrange the advertisements or promotions. The cost, which is required to be invested during such advertising programs, sometimes, is similar to the cost that is needed to be paid to the recruitment agencies. Rather, the recruitment agencies can justify the right candidate suitable for the job role and effective enough in saving the work fo rce. The employees can even use the relevant search engines published by the recruitment agencies in various segments of the retail sectors. The variety of skills will be justifying the suitable candidate for the beneficial area of the employers. The availability of the service executives is also very much significant. The transparent relationship of the recruitment agencies with the employers will be much beneficial for selecting the responsible employees. Henceforth, the employers usually choose the recruitment industries in choosing the suitable candidate for the relevant job roles. 3. The relevant criteria an employer should use to select an agency to recruit for them It is quite indicative that an employer mostly looks for the appropriate employee for the selected job role. The recruitment agencies are ensuring the apt position for the suitable employee, which is very helpful for the employers. Ivery (2014) pointed out that the retail sector is facilitating different segmentations and the employees are selected accordingly. The recruitment agencies are thus finding the suitable candidates that are well matched for the job position. Expertise The retail sector s associated with several expertise, such as Human Resource/Training management, logistics, finance and administration, information technology, sales department, store operations, automotive skills, customer care centers, marketing, etc. Mueser et al. (2014) suggested that the Human Resource Management and training department is mainly aligned with the development and the implementations of the strategic objectives of a retail company. The different structure based companies are hiring candidates who will be able to manage the entire organisation as well as the internal business scenario. The recruitment agencies have to look for the suitable candidate, who is efficiently expertise in the required fields with the proper implementations of the technical amendments. The logistic industries are associated with almost 1.7 million employees in different organisations. The department is initiates with the different modes of transports and delivers goods with the help of the relevant transport system. Sparrow and Cooper (2012) implied that the supply chain industries are aligned with the chemical petroleum chains, Electronics Electrical chains, Automotive Chains, Clothing Footwear chains, Paper Printing chains, Food Dr ink Chains, Utilities, Furniture Furnishing chains, etc. The segments are important for the retail industries and based on such criteria, the recruitment agencies are choosing the relevant candidate for appointing them in these different departments. It is evident that the retail industries are expertise with the implementations of advanced technicalities. Therefore, the candidates should be skilled enough for these different departments. The recruitments industries are selecting the people who are skilled enough in using the advanced information technologies, which is one of the most important areas of the retail sectors. Therefore, the expertise team will be ensuring the technical amendments. On the other hand, the retail sector is associated with the implication of the fashion and knowledgeable about the different clothing sectors. The candidates who are eligible for the fashion fields can suggest the customers about the proper fashionable trends, which is attractive enough for availing more customers attentions. In fact, the recruitment team has to ensure the selection of the employees for the billing center, the machinery amendments, and for the improvisation of the different technologies relevant for the departmental aspect s. It is important to know that the present world is over fascinated with the implementations of the computer services. In keeping pace with such amendments, the necessity of the advanced information technological tools has become much fascinated. Therefore, the recruitment industries are usually looking for the suitable candidates, who are expertise in such fields like system functionality, ICT technologies, system administrative, and service delivery managements. The expertise team available in the recruitment agencies will be effectively testing the employees, who are applying for the relevant job roles. It helps the organisations to save their time and get the relevant employees for maintaining such responsibilities. The recruitment agencies are effective enough in choosing the eligible candidate for the employers in retail sectors, where the use of the advanced information technologies is much fascinated and required. 4. Analysis of the effective relationship building of The HR department with the Recruitment agencies It is quite evident that the role of the recruitment agencies is very much significant in starting up a new company. Especially in the retail sector, the recruitment agencies are looking for the candidates, who are skilled enough with the advanced technicalities. For the betterment of the recruitment and selection process, the HR department of the company has to build a transparent relationship with the recruitment agencies. The Fair relationship maintaining with recruitment agencies will be evaluating the proper delivery system for the selection process. Storey (2014) suggested that the recruitment agencies usually act as the vendor, which delivers the recruitment services. In building a fair relationship with the recruitment agencies, the HR department has to ensure a balanced relationship with them. Since the agencies are dealing with many clients, it is easier for them to choose the appropriate candidate for the suitable job roles. Bratton and Gold (2012) mentioned that the client who gets the best candidates can provide the employee support for the chosen department. In such manner, it is very much important for the HR department to initiate a written agreement with the recruitment agencies. On the other hand, it is also very much important to note that the HR department will standardize the payment through the different promotional channels. However, Arthur (2012) mentioned that in spite of having a signed agreement with the recruitment agencies, the HR department has to maintain the regular relationship with these agencies for their benefits. It enhances the transparency while communicating and making them aware of the requirement. If the HR department is building the skilled relationship with the recruitment agencies, it will be relevant enough for deciding the actual candidate who deserves the job role. Conclusion The entire study is reflecting the necessity of the recruitment agencies while selecting the eligible candidate for a definite job role in a retail sector. It is quite indicative that the retail sector emerges with the implementations of the information technologies as well as the different market segmentations. Therefore, the recruitment agencies help in coordinating with the parent company and helps in saving the time and pressure of the HR department. It is to be noted that the recruitment agencies are mainly dealing with the candidate expertise in the information technology departments. The person who is skilled enough in information technologies will be aptly chosen for the relevant for the specified job roles. Therefore, it is very much indicative that the role of the recruitment agencies is very much significant in choosing the relevant candidate for a specified job role in a retail sector. References King, S. (2014). Workforce, employee resourcing and development and the role of human resources. Wood, G., Brewster, C., and Brookes, M. (2014).Human resource management and the institutional perspective. Routledge. Katou, A. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Megans law and Adam Walsh Act

Introduction The phenomenon of sexual violence is considered to be one of the main health problems in the United States. With the present day shift in social consciousness and criminological analyses, the new approaches have been implemented in an effort of crime-reducing and preventing.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Megan’s law and Adam Walsh Act specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Requiring registration, public notification and following GPS monitoring of the ex-criminals, Megan’s law and Adam Marshal act aimed at decreasing recidivism of sexual offenders appeared to be ineffective due to imperfections of the system and various collateral consequences. The main hindrances reducing the effectiveness of the method significantly are inaccuracy of the state registries’ databases and certain level of naivety of the laws, focused on punishment of the previous crimes instead of preventing the new ones. Being aimed at making the citizens feel safe, these legislative laws, on the contrary, restrain the atmosphere resulting in panic and hysteria in the community and increasing aggression of the ex-offenders deprived of opportunities to reintegrate with the society. General characteristic of registration and public notification acts The early laws aimed at protecting citizens from repeated sexual offenders have been known since 1930s. The advent of innovative technologies and shifts in the public consciousness allowed creating a national Internet registry for the purpose of community notification making these acts more effective. Levi (2008) pointed at â€Å"The ‘death of the social’ and the ‘turn to community ’ have become common refrains in criminological analyses† (p. 583). The main advantages of contemporary Megan’s Law (1996) and Adam Walsh Act (2006) is their nationwide character and the requirement of regular updating of inf ormation by the offenders. The main goal of these legislative acts is making the community safer by means of providing the police and society with information required for watching their activities and making certain self-protective steps and preventing recidivism by means of enhancing the registrants’ consciousness that everyone watches them. With the entry of Megan’s Law and Adam Walsh Child Protection Act state that much focus has shifted on post offenders than those who are not yet convicted. This poses a threat in the sense that potential victims will shy away from those who have been branded real culprits. Instead, they will tend to associate with those who have not been convicted of the offence.Advertising Looking for research paper on criminal law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Megan’s Law focuses on neighborhood being notified of a sexual offender living within their proximity (O’Brien, 1 996). The Megan’s Law was passed as legislation on July 29, 1994 by the US congress after the rape and murder case of Megan Kanka (Levenson et al., 2007; O’Brien, 1996). A neighbor who lived across their street was convicted of committing the offence. Although, there was justification for the installation of the legal criteria imposed then through the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Law, the threat now would be focusing too much on already committed offence than looking at the causal factors from a societal holistic view (Solove, 2003). This is not to discredit the legislations but to criticize the public mindset of relying on it as panacea to ridding of crimes of the same nature. The perception may incline to repeat offenders than beginners or disguised characters. Actually, it was later noted that even some of the neighbors in the scene of the murder of Megan’s Kanka knew about the history of the suspect Joseph Cifelli (O’Brien, 1996). He was repeat offender but unaware to the parents of the victim (O’Brien, 1996). Prior to passing the Megan’s Law, states like Washington D.C. had already enacted the Community Protection Act. The legislation requires an offender to register with the local enforcement agency center soon after release from detention or supervised care (Caldwell, 2007). The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 came into the public domain on 2005 as the Children’s Safety and Violent Crime Reduction Act. Later, in March 2006 the senate passed it and was renamed as the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Denning Reynolds, 2009). This act is tailored towards protecting children from sexual molesting as well as violent crimes, curb children abuse and their indulgence into pornography and to improve the internet content safety. Adam Walsh Act provides for national minimum benchmark for the different States to register sex offenders. It comes with a three tiered approach system regarding the offense labeled on the individual in question. However, states are not restricted from applying the national approach otherwise the tier approach is meant to harmonize information as it is uploaded into the countrywide registry.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Megan’s law and Adam Walsh Act specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As much as a law may sound tough, issues of implementation could introduce intricacies. For instance, origins of public notification, lack of supporting data determining the efficacy of public notification, the cost associated with implementing procedures, subsequent violence and the risk of notoriety, extension to other crimes as well as the constitutional rights of the individuals in question especially the right to privacy is doubtful (Levi, 2008). Despite the expected crime-reduction consequences of registration and notification acts, their eff ectiveness remains a rather doubtful point. For example, the question whether the Megan’s act could have saved Megan herself is often raised. The aspects of reliability of the registries information, its usefulness and crime-preventing effects as well as the collateral consequences of the legislative acts for the community and offenders’ trying to reintegrate with it require further empirical investigation. Knowledge as power for preventing crimes Working on the registration and community notification acts, the legislators did not take into consideration certain hindrances limiting their crime-reducing effects. The question whether awareness is sufficient for taking protecting steps and preventing the acts of sexual offence is rooted in the accuracy of the databases information and the community’s reaction to the provided information. The availability and accuracy of identification data on registrants are considered to be the Achilles’ heel of the registr ation and community notification acts. The method of registering the ex-offenders in the nationwide registries has got plenty of limitations and imperfections. Logan (2009) noted that â€Å"expecting that ex-offenders, individuals with a proven capacity for antisocial conduct, will cooperate with the government in their ongoing surveillance and stigmatization would appear contrary to both logic and human experience† (p. 110). On the one hand, people unwilling to obey the laws in future would find the ways for escaping and not following the regulation norms. Certainly, Adam Walsh Act requires offender’s regular attendance of the police office and updating their contacting and identifying information. Still, it does not make the escape from the system impossible. The only measure imposed by the police with the aim of verifying the information would be sending nonreturnable letters to individuals known for their criminal past. On the other hand, the awareness that the pol ice and the community watch their actions influences the self-perception and behavior of those ex-offenders which potentially could become repeated criminals.Advertising Looking for research paper on criminal law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The registration and notification procedures may raise the caution of the public towards the offender; however, this does not assure absolute safety (Solove, 2003). In fact, it may only restrain a potential repeat offender, thus reduce cases allied to them from recurring. Improving general vigilance may serve better such that potential victims are equally cautious of either those who are repeat offenders as well as new offenders. The need to rid of society the vice should supersede the desire to stigmatize the offenders. Preventing the problem serves comparatively better than managing the same. Some of those who may have committed the offence once may not engage in such behaviors thus a disciplined mechanism may come in handy in reintegrating them back to the society. General vigilance will not only focus on historical cases but also on development mechanisms that will prevent future occurrences. This in a way would solve the problem before it happens. In a way the solution will foc us on society itself providing solution that are facing them than leaning on the state law as the defender. Lives lost as well as pain afflicted on victims may not be reversed once the vice is committed much as the legal action is taken. General vigilance will keep any potential offender at bay as the victims to be are afore armed to their defense. The question whether the public awareness provides the potential victims and their families with the power for preventing the crimes remains rather disputable. As it was cited in O’Brien (1996) Karen Spinner, the spokeswoman of Association on Correction noted that â€Å"Knowing doesn’t stop it, and this law hasn’t improved the problem one iota† (p. 3). It was found out that Megan’s parents were aware of an ex-offender living in their neighborhood, but this knowledge did not motivate them for taking the appropriate steps and protecting their child. Megan’s law has got a lot of opponents whose opini on as to the effectiveness of this registration and community notification act is rather categorical. For example, as it was cited in O’Brien (1996), Martone, one of the opponents admitted that â€Å"It’s a little like a lion escaping from the zoo, and the cops come around with a picture of the lion† (p. 3). These emotional statements reflect rather the community’s perception of the situation and most citizens’ reaction to the enhanced awareness. The inaccuracy of the registries information, citizens’ misconceptions and other imperfections of the system decrease the effectiveness of the laws and result in various collateral consequences of the registration and notification procedures. However, the fact that there is much space left for improving notification does not mean that it is senseless, and its benefits should not be underestimated. Collateral consequences of Megan’s law The enforcement of registration and public notification a cts had significant impact on life of the society and crime preventing leading to positive and negative, willing and unwilling effects. The main collateral consequences of the laws aimed at raising the public awareness are panic in the society and the registered offenders’ difficulties in reintegration with the society even after the appropriate treatment course. Depending on the neighborhood setting, registration and notification procedures may have less impact. In some cases, it may cause public hysteria among parents and their children as well as their relatives when they are not aware of it (Bonnar-Kidd, 2010). This reactionary character may cause tension in the neighborhood as well as result to disharmony and lack of commitment even in other matters that need mutual concern. Such as, volunteer program, among others. In most cases the community notification results in public hysteria and panic, while it is almost impossible for the citizens to react to the information con cerning the registered ex-offender living in their neighborhood. For example, Bonnar-Kidd (2010) provides an example of an incident that took place in New York rural area in 2007, where after the notification about two registered sex-offenders living in the area, the members of the small community posted the signs warning that monsters lived there on the front doors of their homes. At the same time the citizens cannot feel in safety and may start panic after learning about the sex-offenders living so close to them. As it was cited in Bonnar-Kidd (2010), describing her feelings related to her awareness of the ex-offender living next doors, one of mothers noted: â€Å"I have slept approximately a combined 5 hours in the past 3 nights because I wake up in a panic and I need to get up and make sure that my children are okay† (Sexual offender laws and prevention of sexual violence or recidivism). In order to relieve hysteria and panic in the society as the main collateral conseque nces of public notification, the states governments imposed various measures. For example, in some states the safety zones to which the ex-offenders were not allowed were organized, while others preferred GPS monitoring of the ex-criminals. In some states the inscription â€Å"sex-offender† was included into the driver’s license. In other places they were prohibited to use the Internet connection or even undergo mandatory chemical castration. At the same time some of these measures violate the rights of the ex-offenders and deprive them of opportunities of reintegration with the society. In some states in the US, the offender should undergo treatment before release. If the offender has not fully recovered for registration and notification procedures then this may have adverse effects. Much as committing the offence, how the offender is handled could be tormenting leading to attempted suicide or he/she may resort to similar incidences. In a society where there is tenden cy to discriminate offenders or else mistreat them, such conduct could catalyze reactionary behavior. In this case, the community in which the offender has been reintegrated may aggravate the problems hence neither they nor the offender could contribute in preventing the vice. It is even argued whether Adam Walsh Act is a kind of ex post facto law which is prohibited in Article 1, section 9 of the United States Constitution. The fact is that this legislative statute allows re-punishing a certain group of the ex-offenders during their lives, mo matter how much time has passed since the moment of their actual crime. This registration and public notification law divides the sex-offenders into three groups depending upon the gravity of their crime and hazard they pose to the society. The failure to register and provide the accurate information is considered to be a felony resulting in serious punishment. According to Bonnar-Kidd (2010), there are more issues of health that should be att ended to rather than to focus on assault. Attention should be focused on physical and mental healing of the victims than seeking criminal justice. The registration and notification procedures may cause more harm than save the situation especially when victims are not well informed and guided towards appreciating their status. Retribution and self-denial may result leading to new sets of crime. Priority on victims should focus on recovery, restoration of normal life and if possible reconciliation between the principal parties. A situation where emphasis is put on punishing the offender even after serving maximum sentence makes it difficult for the reformed offender and victim to interact freely. Actually, how these legal procedures are applied may result to more cases going unreported in the fear of public scrutiny. With the entry of high-speed connection and communication between people and wide access to information especially in the internet, many may dislike publicity associated with the wrong reasons. The degree of ultimate success achieved from implementing the legal procedures should also be seen in how the victims are both protected from future attacks as well as have their lives restored to normalcy. The public should not be protected at the expense of trauma on victims. Barriers for ex-offenders’ reintegration with the society The fact is that the measures aimed at isolating of the ex-offenders in the society might appear to be ineffective having negative impact on their further personal development. Facing various barriers in the process of their reintegration with the society, including the housing, employment and education limitations, the registered criminals might become discouraged and disillusioned. It increases their risk of committing subsequent crimes. The former sex-offenders are monitored during their studies at colleges or even not allowed to take courses presupposing close contact with other participants of the teaching-learning p rocess. The results of the empirical studies proved that the registered ex-offender have more employment problems than individuals with a criminal history. Community segregation is another collateral consequence of the notification acts. Bonnar-Kidd (2010) noted that â€Å"We are supposed to be stopping violence, not promoting it, and what does it promote when you tell everyone where these guys live?† (Sexual offender laws and prevention of sexual violence or recidivism). A lot of cases against the ex-offenders were registered after the reinforcement of the public notification acts, resulting in their aggression in response. Thus, Megan’s law and Adam Walsh Act creating barriers for ex-offenders reintegration in the society as one of the main unwilling consequence of their reinforcement are not only ineffective but even increase the risk of committing extra crimes. Conclusion The inaccuracy of the data provided by the state registries, imperfections of the system and v arious collateral consequences of the laws reduced the effectiveness of these legislative acts. Megan’s law and Adam Walsh Act had the converse effect on the atmosphere in the community. As opposed to their primary goal of preventing the crime, raising the public awareness with the aim of taking the self-protecting steps, the collateral consequences of the project, such as panic and hysteria among the community members and hindrances for ex-offenders’ reintegration with the society strained reduced the feeling of safety and increased risks of recidivism. Reference List Bonnar-Kidd, K. K., (2010). Health Policy and Ethics: Sexual Offender Laws And Prevention Of Sexual Violence Or Recidivism. American Journal of Public Health, 100 (3), 412-419. from Caldwell, M. F. (2007). Sexual Offense Adjudication and Sexual Recidivism among Juvenile Offenders. Springer Science, 19, 107–113. University of Wisconsinâ₠¬â€œMadison. Retrieved from Denning, B. P. Reynolds G. H. (2009). Heller, High Water (mark)? Lower Courts and the New Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Hastings Law Journal, 60, 1245-1248. Retrieved from Durling, C., (2006). Never Going Home: Does It Make Us Safer? Does It Make Sense? Sex Offenders, Residency Restrictions, And Reforming Risk Management Law. The Journal Of Criminal Law Criminology, 97 (1), 317-363. Northwestern University. Retrieved from Filler, D. M., (n.d.). Making the Case for Megan’s Law: A Study in Legislative Rhetoric. Indiana Law Journal, 76, 315-366. Retrieved from Levenson, J. S. Cotter L. P. (2005). The Effect of Megan’s Law on Sex Offender Reintegration. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 21 (1), 49-66. Sage Publications. Retrieved from$FILE/Levenson-Megans%20Law%20Impact%20JCCJ.pdf Levi, R. (2008). Auditable Community: The Moral Order of Megan’s Law. Brit. J. Criminol, 48, 583–603. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from Logan, W. (2009). Knowledge as power: Criminal registration and community notification laws in America. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. O’Brien, T., (1996). Would Megan’s Law Have Saved Megan? New Jersey Law Journal CXLV (2), 1-3. ALM Media Properties. Retrieved from Solove, D. J., (2003).The Virtues of Knowing Less: Justifying Privacy Protections Against Disclosure. Duke Law Journal, 53, 967-1063. Retrieved from uke+L.+J.+967+pdf This research paper on Megan’s law and Adam Walsh Act was written and submitted by user Julianne Kirk to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Moscow vs Washington essays

Moscow vs Washington essays THE MAYOR OF MOSCOW AND THE MAYOR OF WASHINGTON, D.C. Moscow is a city like no other. This ancient city of has seen the rise and fall of empires. It has been the home of rulers and despots, a token of war and an envisioned destiny for many. Yet never has it seen the likes of the last decade. The center of power for the world's largest country, Moscow is something of a powerful symbol, a center of power, and in its most simple form, a municipal city. Yet this is the great intangible mystique of Moscow. The physical city, and its leaders, are more than just leaders and she is more than just a city. At the center of the daily management of Russia's most important city is the Mayor of Moscow. Unlike what the West considers a mayor's job, Moscow's mayor goes far beyond just managing the city. He is not simply an elected municipal leader. He reports directly to the President of Russia. He is inherently virtually a Muscovite dictator and national political bear. And though Russia shrugged off Communism, it certainly hasn't installed an established and lasting system, especially at the municipal level. This has left the Mayor of Moscow with unprecedented power to do as he sees fit, especially as long as Moscow continues to experience prosperity untouched by the rest of the nation. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, no Russian icon has changed more than the city of Moscow. Though there is only one real dynamic figure to take this office, Yuri Luzhkov has truly been the spearhead in this change. In order to better understand its unique politics, one must first understand Moscow's basic setting. It is not only the capital of the nation of Russia, but also of the Moscow oblast (region). The oblast has a gubernatorial executive. In other oblasts, the regional governor is the power point. In Moscow, oblast and city, it is the mayor who maintains the greatest power. The politics of this are far reaching, for e...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to be Professional at Work

How to be Professional at Work While you don’t want to create a phony professional persona at work that doesn’t make you feel comfortable or like you’re being yourself, there are a few words that should be stricken from your vocabulary- at least at the office, if not beyond.These are words that, fairly or unfairly, can easily undermine your credibility and professionalism. Don’t give anyone an excuse to doubt you.Just say no to:â€Å"Like†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I like pizza† is fine. So are similes: â€Å"that sunset is like a painting.† So is the thing you do on Facebook. What isn’t fine is using this word as conversational filler, or a verbal tic. â€Å"She’s, like, so pretty; it, like, hurts to look at her. I’m like†¦ wow.† Do yourself a favor and try to notice every time you say â€Å"like† in these bad ways for a few hours, or a day. Then try and charge yourself a dollar every time you do it. It’s a tough habit to notice- even toug her to break- but it has to be done.â€Å"Almost†There’s nothing wrong with this one, grammatically. It just implies†¦ well, not getting the job done. In a work environment, when you’re trying to convince peers and superiors of your capabilities and butt-kicking potential, you can find a better way to express yourself than â€Å"almost.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You know†This is a lazy bit of conversational filler. The person you are talking to either does or doesn’t know what you mean. Try reading their cues to see which is which. If they do know, stop talking; you’ve already made your point. If they don’t, try to explain what you mean more clearly.â€Å"Try†This is like â€Å"almost.† In the immortal words of Yoda: â€Å"Do or do not. There is no try.† There are ways to convey failed, yet valiant attempts without using the word and implying that you’ve given up. Try it!â€Å"Wish†If wishes were horses†¦ Well, you get the picture. Every time you’re tempted to say â€Å"wish,† change it to â€Å"will.† You’ll get a whole lot more done if you’re constantly challenging yourself to put your money where your mouth is. Same goes for â€Å"might!†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Literally†This word has been ruined by overuse. Unless you’re very specifically conveying that you are not exaggerating, strike â€Å"literally† from your vocabulary. Most people use it nowadays when they are, in fact, exaggerating- in an ironic way. If you don’t know exactly what you’re trying to convey when using this word, chances are you’re using it wrong. Better not to use it at all.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Voltaire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Voltaire - Essay Example 718). For instance, Candide is characterized as a transient rogue type character, while Cunegonde the characteristic sex interest (Voltaire). While this characterization constitutes satirical elements in itself, as the novel progresses one recognizes that they are largely one dimensional characters. This hyperbolic characterization operates to satirize the aforementioned picaresque novel trends. Another satirical consideration occurs as Voltaire satirizes religion. To a large degree Voltaire implements understatement in this process. Through understated, rather than overhanded criticism, Voltaire highlight religious hypocrisy. For instance, during the novel the reader encounters the daughter of a pope (Voltaire). This is significant as the Pope is supposed to be celibate. In another instance, there is an intense Catholic-inquisitor who also has a mistress. Additionally, there is a Jesuit colonel who also has homosexual personality characteristics. All of these characters are introduc ed in the novel in subtle ways, but by not overly highlighting their hypocrisy the viewed is allowed to experience it more

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Software Engineering mid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Software Engineering mid - Essay Example Application software - may be written in obsolete programming languages. Application data - often incomplete and inconsistent. Business processes - may be constrained by software structure and functionality. Business policies and rules - may be implicit and embedded in the system software. Answer to section 7: The fundamental activities that are common to all software processes are: Specification: It relates to the initial specifications on how to build the software. The process of establishing what services are required and the constraints on the system's operation and development. Design: It relates to the process of converting the system specification into an executable system. Validation: It is intended to show that a system conforms to its specification and meets the requirements of a system customer. Evolution: Software is inherently flexible and can change. The properties like scalability and flexibility is addressed here. Answer to section 8: The advantages of incremental development and delivery are: Customer value can be delivered with each increment so system functionality is available earlier. Early increments act as a prototype to help elicit requirements for later increments. Lower risk of overall project failure. The highest priority system services tend to receive the most testing. Answer to section 9: The six fundamental best practices of RUP are: Develop software iteratively Manage requirements Use component-based architectures Visually model software Verify software quality Control changes to software Answer to section 10: The five common project management activities are: Proposal writing: Usually done before getting the project. Project planning and scheduling: Done as a part of the planning process. Project costing: Project feasibility...A project milestone is a predictable state where a formal report of progress is presented to management. Application domain experience: For a project to develop a successful system, the developers must understand the application domain. It is essential that some members of a development team have some domain experience. Programming language experience: This is normally only significant for short duration projects where there is not enough time to learn a new language. While learning a language itself is not difficult, it takes several months to become proficient in using the associated libraries and components. Problem solving ability: This is very important for software engineers who constantly have to solve technical problems. However, it is almost impossible to judge without knowing the work of the potential team member. Educational background: This may provide an indicator of the basic fundamentals that the candidate should know and of their ability to learn. This factor becomes increasingly irrelevant as engineers gain experience across a range of projects. Personality: This is an important attribute but difficult to assess. Candidates must be reasonably compatible with other team members. No particular type of personality is more or less suited to software engineering. 3.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Starbucks Essay Example for Free

Starbucks Essay Starbucks uses HR to help to budget and manage costs. They do this by having a set of people for specific tasks. If someone is more skilled they will move that person to another place because they have better skills and the quality of their work is much better which shows that they have better qualifications. Human resources make the business a work place and at Starbucks the employees have certain characteristics like their behaviour and age, which helps to improve the businesses expectation from customers. Cut wastage Starbucks are bringing in new ways to cut waste, like recently they have introduced a reusable plastic cup, which looks like a normal Starbucks cup. They are selling these for an extra $1 and also the customer receives a discount from Starbucks so this is persuading the consumer to get this because it will help them to get a discount and also they are saving money. This will help to improve the business and also it helps to budget costs because they are reusing their products. Starbucks have electrical products which can be repaired or recycled also the distributors of the electronic equipment have a part to play in the reducing the amount of WEEE going into landfill sites. The building waste the landlord is in charge to manage the waste there. Reduce amount of stock held Starbucks have to make sure that they maintain the amount of stock they order because they might not have enough space in there warehouse to store it. So they only order items that they know are going to sell well and they use on a regular basis like Starbucks cups, milk and sugar products like that. They want to maintain the amount of stock because they are trying to control budget costs and by maintaining stock they are helping to reduce costs at the same time. So they are improving the company’s performance by doing this. ICT computers and technology Starbuck stores have Free Wi-Fi in there stores which allow customers to buy beverages and use there Wi-Fi to do work. Because Starbucks have a lot of seating for the customers which allows customers to come in and enjoy a drink while doing some work. Other reasons are that Starbucks needs to have technology because they think like Starbucks rewards card and they need technology to use these items, which will help them. Also having these items helps to reduce waste and it helps to control budgets because the cards are reusable and the free Wi-Fi will persuade customers to buy a drink or food from there. Less mistakes in production When the staffs is making the customers food or beverage they need to ensure that items are made to a good standard so they aren’t making mistakes which will cause a problem also it will help to save money for the business. This will help to control their budgets which are important when it comes to ordering stock so they don’t have less stock during a certain order. Everything is produced efficiently so when the customer orders a double cream hot chocolate they receive a double cream so the customer is happy and the staffs is listening to the customers’ requirements. Fewer loans Starbucks need to ensure that they don’t have a problem with taking loans out and also they need to make sure they aren’t taking loans out for no apparent reason so they don’t make a loss. Starbucks won’t effect as much if they take a loan out because they are a multimillion business so they don’t really need to worry about taking loans out. Controlling budgets may help businesses stay in profit. Controlling budgets will help Starbucks stay in profit because it will help them to understand which areas of the business needs more progress and help. Like Starbucks will need to determine which sectors of the business need more of a bigger control like the rent will always be the same each month but during Christmas and winter Starbucks tends to bring out new products like gingerbread latte so they will need more stock around this time of the year. So controlling the budget will vary depending on the time of the year. Cut down on maintenance Starbucks need to cut down on maintenance but they need to maintain their machinery so they can produce the products for the consumers otherwise there will be problem. They need to ensure that items can be reused like I said before they introduced a reusable cup for customers to use. The other things they need to consider are that they need to ensure there are several different aspects of things.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay -- FDR American President

Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (1882-1945), 32nd of the United States. Roosevelt became president in March 1933 at the depth of the Great Depression, was reelected for an unprecedented three more terms, and died in office in April 1945, less than a month before the surrender of Germany in World War II. Despite an attack of poliomyelitis, which paralyzed his legs in 1921, he was a charismatic optimist whose confidence helped sustain the American people during the strains of economic crisis and world war. He was one of America's most controversial leaders. Conservatives claimed that he undermined states' rights and individual liberty. Though Roosevelt labored hard to end the Depression, he had limited success. It was not until 1939 and 1940, with the onset of heavy defense spending before World War II, that prosperity returned. Roosevelt also displayed limitations in his handling of foreign policy. In the 1930's he was slow to warn against the menace of fascism, and during the war he relied too heavily on his charm and personality in the conduct of diplomacy. Still, Roosevelt's historical reputation is deservedly high. In attacking the Great Depression he did much to develop a partial welfare state in the United States and to make the federal government an agent of social and economic reform. His administration indirectly encouraged the rise of organized labor and greatly invigorated the . His foreign policies, while occasionally devious, were shrewd enough to sustain domestic unity and the allied coalition in World War II. Roosevelt was a president of stature. The future president was born on Jan. 30, 1882, at the family estate in Hyde Park, N.Y. His father, James (1828-1900), was descended from Nicholas Roosevelt, whose father had emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam in the 1640's. One of Nicholas' two sons, Johannes, fathered the line that ultimately produced President Theodore Roosevelt. The other son, Jacobus, was James' great-great-grandfather. James graduated from Union College (1847) and Harvard Law School, married, had a son, and took over his family's extensive holdings in coal and transportation. Despite substantial losses in speculative ventures, he remained wealthy enough to journey by private railroad car, to live graciously on his Hudson River estate at Hyde Park, and to travel extensively. Four yea... ...nd front greatly intensified Soviet suspicions of the West. But it is easy to second-guess and to exaggerate Roosevelt's failings as a military leader. The president neither invited nor welcomed the Pearl Harbor attack, which was a brilliantly planned maneuver by Japan. He worked with Darlan in the hope of preventing unnecessary loss of Allied lives. Unconditional surrender, given American anger at the enemy, was a politically logical policy. It also proved reassuring to the Soviet Union, which had feared a separate German-American peace. Establishing the second front required control of the air and large supplies of landing craft, and these were not assured until 1944. In many of these decisions Roosevelt acted in characteristically pragmatic fashion--to win the war as effectively as possible and to keep the wartime alliance together. In these aims he was successful. By 1945, Roosevelt was 63 years old. The events early in that year added to the strains on his heart, and on April 12, 1945, he died suddenly at Warm Springs, Ga. Three days later he was buried at Hyde Park. Despite his limitations, he had been a strong, decent, and highly popular president for more than 12 years.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Practices in Leadership Essay Essay

The Practices in Leadership have changed in the post-bureaucratic era. Remember also that your assignment must demonstrate critical thinking, as I have emphasised in each lecture. Question assumptions by considering the negative aspects of post-bureaucratic soft power. Is it desirable in all circumstances? Are there ethical considerations? What about concerns with subtle manipulation and control? You need to grapple with the complexity of the issues – not merely give a one-sided managerialist argument. Leadership is essential in the post-bureaucratic era; however leadership is an extremely complex term that is often an overthought and has an indefinite interpretation in society. Leadership can be defined as the ‘process of directing, controlling, motivating and inspiring staff towards the stated organisational goals’. (Clegg, Kornberger & Pitsis 2011, p. 126). There are many traditional theories of leadership which I will be discussing including personality traits , behaviors, postmodern and the contingency theory. Ernest Shackletons leadership is viewed as ‘nothing short of spectacular’ during his journey across the Antarctic continent overland. One day away from Land, the vessel became iced in, and eventually sank. Shackletons role as a leader was to get every man home alive. Shackleton displayed three leadership approaches/theories he displayed on the remarkable journey .Shackletons ability to lead his men emphasizes technical and personality skills, which both can be learned and developed. The skills approach is centered around this idea, however skills can be also gained through past experiences, as seen by Shackleton, this the main reason the men respected him, due to his well-known knowledge. The style approach was displayed by Shackleton through his tasks and interpersonal relationships with others. Conflicts between men on board the ‘Endurance’ were often resolved by Shackleton, this presenting the style approach being displayed by him. The Contingency Theory was also explored in Shackletons journey, with unforeseen events taking place, and him being able to adapt to these due to his skills, this matching the style of approach. Leaders however in the post bureaucratic era can manipulate and deceive the public, hiding the hidden corrupt ion of which they act. There are many leaders who have violated their responsibilities and abused their power are present in modern day society, however attempt to justify themselves with their position of power. (Herman, S 2007, p.152)â€Å"heads of major nonprofit organizations who have demonstrated corruption and  ineptitude, military leaders whose arrogance and lack of foresight and planning have made us at worst the world’s enemy and at best the world’s laughingstock, heads of state who have boldly lied to the nation and then twisted their words when caught, and media leaders who have pandered to commercial interests while feeding us distortions if not outright lies and delivering products designed to pander to our basest instincts†. There are however leaders with a genuine vision, who encompass courage and determination and are willing to sacrifice their life for their beliefs. Martin Luther King is an example of an active leader who used his power in a positive manner. (Herman, S 2007, p.153) â€Å"Martin Luther King in August 1963 gathered 250,000 Americans for the march on Washington, to inspire the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These leaders who display positive actions encompass egalitarianism and lead individuals without the use of manipulative power. Having a responsible leader in an organization is a common centrally focused objective. Boards of directors seek to select CEO’s who are estimated to be most responsible for the organisations performance and capital. Being responsible and accountable are comprised performance goals in which a responsible leader aims to achieve. Taking responsibility as a leader, involves accountability, dependability, authority and empowerment ( Cameron, K 2011,p.32)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Creative educational tools Essay

â€Å"We visualise and develop creative educational tools that provoke inspirational activity and bring positive recurring stimuli for children in their learning process and creative play. We believe on the power of creative education.† – Innospark Our team has chosen Innospark, Lithuania, which is actually a new company who produces educational toys for young children. Education is very important aspect of each persons life, especially in this century, so having the children start their educational journey in the early age is very important. Growing bigger, becoming a competitor on the Lithuanian market, Innospark decides to go outside the local market and take a chance on different European markets. Us being able to choose the market we came to agreement to have two markets, first Poland and second, Scandinavia. Considering that Poland is one of EU’s fast developing countries, which also has a lot of investors coming from around the globe and where the middle i ncome is growing rapidly, we decided that Innospark would have a big chance in conquering the Polish market fast. Also there is almost no competition on the market, on their particular product. Scandinavia on the other hand is developed and open for new companies, giving them new opportunities. Even though, there is one actual competitor, Innospark has different kind of products which can easily compete with the others. Our decision on the entry mode is direct export. It is easy to implement in smaller countries, trade barriers are reduced to minimum, because all the countries are EU members and capital requirement is limited. The potential of getting profits are greater, because of the intermediaries are eliminated. All aspects of the transaction are controlled by us. We know who are customers are, our customers know who we are and business trips are more efficient and effective with meeting the customers face to face, for more confidence and trust. Customer relations are one of the most important part, they will feel more confident and secure with our product, once we establish the worming contact with them. We also have to have a total control over the negotiations and transactions, also the patents, copyright and trademarks. For future plans we are considering bigger improvements and expansions on the markets. We also considered about three employees with standard salary (Poland), proximately 410 euros, which is a normal salary for Poland. Advertisement for our product will be throughout the internet.  First the webpage of Innospark and the possibility of Facebook, opening a page is free and getting more customers will be faster and easier, we also would be able to advertise our page with a very low cost. 1. Market Segmentation As stated in the previous section, the market has been segmented by Innospark into two distinct customers, i.e. individuals and businesses. Individuals: The purchases made by this segment are usually single purchases for own kids or someone known to the individual customer. The demographics of this segment can be classified as: An average household income of 1500 Euros Parents have high aspirations for children with respect to education and development Businesses: This category includes business clients who buy toys for children. These clients are also organizations such as day-care, as well as school-based organizations like pre-school and/or nursery. This segment generally caters for seven to twenty five children. 2. Target Market Segment Strategy Exporting is a method of increasing sales potential for businesses. To go international, a company does not need to be big in size or have a huge marketing department. The Lithuanian market represents enough sales potential for Innospark. However, it is important for the firm to grow and the only way to do so is by exploiting the untapped markets, one of them being Poland. As per Euromonitor, the traditional toys and games market in Poland has been dominated by global brands for many years by companies such as Lego, Hasbro, Mattel and Simba. These companies have dictated general trends in the Poland toys market. This indicates that the Poland toys market represents a good opportunity for Innospark since consumers seem to be accepting global brands. Apart from increasing the customer base, exporting would also mean increased market share, and therefore increased profitability by lowering per unit cost. As per a general trend, an average order from international customer is often large r as compared to that from a domestic buyer. This means that exporting its toys can result in an increase in Innospark’s perceived size and stature. Additionally, it will also improve its competitive position, as compared to other similar-sized  startups in its sector. Through growth in business, Innospark may also look at overseas licensing, franchising, or may even set up its production unit in Poland. Additionally, the educational toys that Innospark is offering are very unique and innovative in nature. This opportunity can be exploited by commanding greater profit margins in Poland than in Lithuania. Although Lithuania helped the export-oriented economy in avoiding exchange-rate fluctuation by pegging the Lithuanian currency (the Lithai) to the Euro in 2002, other fluctuations in the economy and business cycles cannot be avoided altogether. Diversifying the market is therefore a feasible option for Innospark to reduce the risks. Also, exporting the products to Poland will help put the idle capacity at work, which will help Innospark to enjoy pure economies of scale with toys that are more global in scope. These products are also most likely to have a wider range of acceptance globally in the long run when Innospark grows and penetrates into other markets. From consumer point of view, Innospark will have to make sure that it offers products of the highest quality at a competitive price in Poland. If it becomes successful as an exporter, chances are highly likely that the educational toys will have increased acceptance in Poland as well due to Innospark’s heightened efficiency and focus on product quality. Lastly, Innospark also stands to gain from the export activities by a potential gain of knowledge. The myriad experiences and gain of information on new technologies, marketing ideas and product line extension that it will have in Poland can help Innospark to improve and grow not only its export business, but also the domestic business. 3. Entry mode As both countries (Lithuania and Poland) are part of EU, trade barriers are minimal. With reference to this information two the most attractive ways for â€Å"Innospark† to entry the new market has been selected: Indirect exports Direct exports Criteria Indirect exports Direct exports Implementation Find an export agent or freight forwarder from Poland, which could handle exporting and would be responsible for coordinating, could be a good choice, as local employees know their home market (customer’s needs, ways to attract them) better. Directly export products to customers (could be wholesalers or individual consumers) which are interested in purchasing them, without any intermediaries. This could lead to a better representation and protection of company’s trademark. Involvement in process Requires minimal involvement in exporting process. The company would be responsible only for finding any kind of intermediary (export agent or export managing company, freight forwarder, etc.).In that way â€Å"Innospark† would be able to continuously concentrate on Lithuania’s market and at the same time increase its market share in Poland. Requires maximum involvement in exporting process as company becomes responsible for developing understanding of a marketplace, handling logistics of shipment, collecting any kind of payments that might be needed to be paid, implementing support service. The market share in Poland might increase greater; however, domestic market would be a little bit â€Å"neglected†. Risk Almost none. This is the best way to field-test export potential for certain products. It might appear that it takes more time, money, energy than company is able to afford. Responsibility Intermediary would be responsible for failures, because indirect export requires minimal involvement in processes – there would always be someone to point the finger at if something went wrong, or not the way it was expected. The â€Å"Innospark† would be accountable for its failures. Being responsible for all exporting process will demand more effort from every level of the company. Potential profits Profits would be lower. Profits would be greater. Control Company would lose control over foreign sales because of the intermediary’s existence in the exporting-selling process. Company would have a better control of all phases of the transaction (ex. Shipment, selling, etc.) Contact with customers â€Å"Innospark† would have no direct contact with its customers. As a result, company might lose the opportunity to get to know the evolving needs of the consumers. â€Å"Innospark† would have direct contact with its customers. As a result, not only company will be able to get to know its customers and their needs, but also customers will know who â€Å"Innospark† is. Business trips Business trips might seem useless as company would be step removed from actual transaction because only intermediary would be able to know the latest information. Business trips would be efficient, useful and informative. There would be an opportunity to meet customers responsible for representing the products of the company. Long-term goals If suddenly the long-term outlook and goals of the company change, the reorientation of the company will be harder as production would already be in someone else’s hands. The reorientation would be easier as the â€Å"Innospark† would be the only unit responsible for exporting production of the company to Poland. As it is clearly visible from the table above direct exports has both, advantages and disadvantages. Analogue situation is with indirect exports. However, because the one of the main concerns on which is based the decision which entry mode should be selected, is contact with customers, the advantages of direct exports had outweighed advantages of indirect exports. With reference to information mentioned previously, the suggested entry mode for â€Å"Innospark† to entry Poland market is – Direct exports. The â€Å"Innospark† will focus on two types of consumers during this entry: Individual consumers (ex. parents, grandparents, aunts, etc.) Wholesale consumers (ex. kindergartens, daycare centers, etc.) The main and most important question is – why? Why consumers are such an essential part of the entry mode? The table below should answer this question. Reason Explanation Consequences Better margins Despite the fact that sales scope will be smaller, margins will be higher. More profit Closer contact with customers Stronger relationships which lead to loyalty will be developed by selling directly to customers, excluding any kind of intermediaries. This will form a more accurate feedback – better knowledge about evolving consumers’ needs. Products that satisfies consumers’ needs better > Customers’ loyalty > Word of mouth advertising > Increase in the market share > More profit More efficiency Fewer layers involved in distribution Simpler managing of the distribution processes Future plans â€Å"Innospark† will sell direct to the consumers and also to wholesaler purchasers, who will be responsible for representing the trademark and the products of the company. While this entry mode (Direct export) creates more work for â€Å"Innospark† in terms of generating sales, it provides better margins. Additionally, this process will be more costly, having in mind not only money, but also time and energy, for the first few years; however, once loyal relationships will be developed with individual consumers as well as the wholesale purchasers, the marketing expenses will decrease extremely as the customers become familiar with the â€Å"Innospark’s† extraordinary and exclusive products and continue to make purchases. What is more, loyal customers will not only constantly acquire products, but also introduce them to their friends, family members, etc. – company will get free word of mouth advertising. 4. Industry Analysis The toy industry in Poland is characterized by many different domestic toy manufacturers (ex. TUBAN, KANWIL) also as global manufacturers who exports their production to the country (ex. Mattel, LEGO). Nevertheless, there is a  niche of educational toys which „Innospark† can take advantage from as this niche is quite new (within the last five years) and more legitimized nowadays comparing to the situation ten years ago when it was believed that toy can’t have any educational value – it was assumed that toy is just a meaningless way to occupy children giving parents’ a brake from parenthood. Only recently it was proved that there are some special designed toys which not only attracts children’s attention but also teach them constructrive skills at the same time as develop their imagination and ability to concentrate. It would be a great opportunity for „Innospark† to establisth itself while this niche is not overloaded. As it is clearly visible from the table above, competitors mainly focus is on eco-friendly wooden toys or constructors. â€Å"Innospark† would be like a â€Å"gust of the fresh air† in the Poland’s market with its creative solutions applied  to make outstanding educational toys and wide assortment of the products. 5. Staffing policy We decided to start with Warsaw and hire local staff, because, introducing our product, advertising will be more efficient in capital city than in other small towns. The minimum salary will be 405 and more, depending on the work level (Minimum wage in Poland is 404,16 â‚ ¬). The salary will be transferred to their accounts which also can be opened by us in one particular bank, which will be better for the company for not loosing money in transferring etc. We also will have 3 employees, till we expend on the market. Decision is to use local staff. Reasons: Local employees and managers know more of the local market and therefor can build reliable and trustful relationships with the customers. Local customers may prefer interactions with local employees and managers due to the common cultural background and lack of language barriers. Local managers and employees working together can increase employees morale, work satisfaction, organizational commitment and as a result effective performance. 6. Marketing strategy (business scheme) The business scheme will point out the fact that products are absolutely educational tools that are entertaining. This is a meaningful message because parents will desire their kids to play with this kind of toy. The essential feature of the „toyâ€Å", in the product is used to make the kids bound with the product, something mostly hard to do with most educational tools. â€Å"Innospark† create ideas in our minds and develop creative educational devices that provokes developmental activity and makes positive recurring stimulation for kids in their studying process and creative play. â€Å"Innospark† trust in the capability of clever education. Cleverness- clever person is a curious explorer. Let’s create a place where creativity grows Hopes, goals- the first years of children’s life are most important time in the growth of hopes. Let’s have the hopes high. Permitting- a kid so deeply wants to believe his or her wishes can come true. It is our job to help them  build a feeling of inner confidence, fearlessness and toughness. Progress- cleverness has developed into a highly treasured skill in the century. It is an important building block for changes in business, history and nowadays life. Let’s grow clever The business scheme will identify and describe for the fact that there are two definite client groups that must be drawn attention to. To take the awareness of both groups sees that the groups are very dissimilar despite the fact that they are buy identical product. ( â€Å"Innospark† will use direct mailings and advertisements. â€Å"Innopark† is a new company, is a little two years old, so for the beginning we recommend choose the „Innospark† website ( Will be used like the main tool to spread the product. It will be a cheap and productive way of spreading information regarding and its product. The site will be divided in two fields, one for general information and the other for dealers/traders. The second part will have greater amount of information outside business information like stock. Also, â€Å"Innospark† as a new company, choose the Internet as a cheaper and more effective your advertising apparel and corporate types. To ensure the effective promotion of the search results, one of the ways to register â€Å"Google AdWords†. Next would be placement of advertisements in various, popular international social networks such as â€Å"Facebook†, â€Å"Twitter† etc. Social networks provide advertisements wide spread not only the Internet but also Internet users communicating with each other, as well as commenting on a product on the Internet, writing reviews, etc. Often, when choosing a product, service or business other people’s reviews are crucial selection. Homegrown web sites the opportunity to advertise, is the largest news portals.Like the ad placement site, an important aspect of creating their advertisements, is to choose the advertising audience. Audience determined to run at end-customers, which is a very important part of a successful advertising campaign. The website business scheme is easy to understand and clear, have the webpage shortcuts on all available materials as well as mention it in all talks with clients. To make it easy to find for greater amount of people. Will add the site to more spacious extent of search engineers so even if a specific customer is not informed of but has knowledge of the product category, they will still be pointed to site. 6.1 Sales strategy (Marketing scheme) The marketing scheme will be adjusted for every client group. The marketing scheme for individuals is to make plenty knowledge of. So that clients are asking their dealers to carry for them. To address the marketing part it is future plan that the businesses are not just purchasing one or two of the items but that they are purchasing entire products addressing dissimilar abilities, all of which are valuable. In most cases this is particularly valuable as businesses repeat clients, meaning that if buyer is satisfied with the bought item, they will probably become a long term clients and not search for other dealers. 6.2 Operations strategy (Action plan) Will make manufacture widely popular of all of its products. We choose the publicizing system for many reasons: None of them have been involved in manufacturing action  Popularizing will lower the cost to smallest amount, making all products costs variable Popularizing will make it available for the business team to pay more attention on marketing and new product growth Minimizing the possible financial dangers by not committing to the cost of a manufacturing facility Making business plans sales grow bigger Bibliography Delaney, L. (2014). About Money. Retrieved from Innospark. (2012, December). Innospark. Retrieved from Martins, R. (2014, November 28). Poland. Retrieved from (2014). Country Reports. Retrieved from (2014). Retrieved from

Friday, November 8, 2019

Domestic Violence Act 2005 Essay Example

Domestic Violence Act 2005 Essay Example Domestic Violence Act 2005 Essay Domestic Violence Act 2005 Essay The Protection Of adult females From Domestic Violence Act, 2005 Introduction In our society work forces are considered as defender. When a miss marries, it is expected that her hubby will protect, in Hindu society during ‘Rakshya Bandhan’ a sister ties ‘rakhi’ to brother’s arm by sing him as a defender. Then inquiry arise â€Å"where adult females are most unsafe† ? Normally people believe that largely merely in public topographic points like in coachs, trains, and call centres etc. adult females are most insecure during dark. But how far this idea is true? Harmonizing to â€Å"National Family Health Survey† ( NFHS, 2005-2006 ) , 40 % of adult females were victims of assault at place of domestic force. Using funding from â€Å"Planning Commission† of India, â€Å"Yugantar Education Society† conducted another study across five provinces ; these are undivided Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. It was found that a big per centum of adult females were victims of force in place itself. So what environment can be safe from such type of assault, when force is abused inside their place? How those adult females will acquire justness? Domestic force doubtless is an issue sing human rights and force of any sort is a barrier for development of a state. Furthermore in India adult females are socially dominated over the period of clip to accept, digest and to stay soundless about such experiences. Although this phenomenon prevalent in our society it has remained mostly delusory in public. In India in 1983 force against adult females was lawfully acknowledge as a offense. The offense is indictable under subdivision 498-A of Indian penal codification. But at that clip no civil jurisprudence was at that place to turn to such type of force and besides it was argued that penalty can non be the best solution. Finally after long treatment and women’s run since late 19Thursdaycentury to protect adult females in our society â€Å"Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act ( PWDVA ) , 2005† was introduced. The act was came into force in 2006, it guaranteed article 14, 15 and 21 of Indian fundamental law. Under this act, victims can lodge kick against physical, sexual, verbal and emotional maltreatment. Brief position of chief characteristics of the Act â€Å"Protections of Women from Domestic Violence Act† gave a comprehensive definition of â€Å"Domestic Violence† . It included all facets of force like physical, sexual, verbal, emotional and economic maltreatment. Harmonizing to the act any people like neigh bore bits, comparative can lodge kick on behalf of the victims, there are no restraints for the betrayer. Victims can claim the losingss caused due to force by the respondent and besides Rs 20000 /- and one twelvemonth punishment can be imposed. Finally one most of import characteristic is that justness should be supply within a certain limited continuance, foremost hearing by the tribunal should be within 3 yearss from the ailment housing and whole instance must be disposed of within 60 yearss. All the characteristics indicate a much more positive attitude towards adult females safety. Although this act lawfully ensures adult females protection, in world there are many issues sing execution of the act. Anyways for the first clip one act has been passed which included about all facets of domestic force. A broader Interpretation and Implementation issues of the act â€Å"Domestic Violence† against adult females is a common signifier of force in Indian society due to patriarchal nature. PWDVA, 2005 includes commixture of both civil and condemnable jurisprudence, so it besides facilitates many registered organisation, those are working for the adult females protection. Under this act â€Å"Protection Officers† are appointed across the all provinces in territory degree but the deficiency of preparation and substructure has ensuing negative result. Due to this deficiency of preparation, even within the legal system un-fare determination has been taken against adult females. It may go on through constabularies, tribunal or any other legal governments. Due to several instances magistrates may widening the continuance of tribunal procedure and coercing victims to come several times. In assorted instances even constabularies, Judges finds hard to understand and construe. This consequences, except physical force other force like mental, se xual and economic torment are non taken in to account due to miss of proper grounds. There is another on-going issue of execution is that ‘allocation of funds’ . â€Å"Among the 28 provinces, 15 have provided separate budgetary allotment for execution of the act, like Haryana has started a Plan strategy PWDV and Madhya Pradesh launched ‘Usha Kiran Yojana’ for execution of PWDVA in 2008† . So such province initiated, ensures financess allotment for execution of the act. But issue is that still twelve provinces do non hold an excess budget for PWDVA ( Jhamb, 2007, p.45 ) . Harmonizing to NFHS, 2005-2006 these provinces holding higher incidence of force, but they claim that they are using for PWDVA through the on-going adult females public assistance strategies. For example- â€Å"Bihar claims that through the Nari Shakti scheme a entire allotment of 10 crore covers the PWDVA. Another case, Jharkhand claims that any disbursals for PWDVA are covered through plans like Dowry Elimination, Elimination of Witchcraft etc.† ( Jhamb, 2007 , p.46 ) Hence it is necessary to measure the extent of proper use of allocated financess. Comparison of allocated financess made by the provinces will give merely an elusive image because Ministry of Women and Child Development does non put any minimal criterion for assorted commissariats under the act. So the PWDV act, 2005 demands to be interpreted with much more reason and unfastened mindedness. Social Impact and Critiques Even though many insufficiency on implementing the act, 1000s of ailment have been lodged across all the provinces and success to acquire satisfactory judgements. Reason behind this rapid action by the authorization may be the proviso that instance must be solved within 60 yearss. So Women are coming frontward for the justness due to legal support by the act and besides up to some extent this act enable to make an environment of force free for adult females and to restrict the bing patriarchal doctrine in our society. On 21 January, 2013 to measure the impact of execution of the PWDV act policy shapers came together during the launch of 6Thursdaystudy supervising act â€Å" Staying Alive: Evaluating Courts Orders† . The study has discussed the cardinal strength of the PWDV act and its lacking in execution. Harmonizing to the Stay Alive study it was found that- Married adult females are the largest user of PWDV act, so by widows, divorced adult females, girls and sisters. Womans are bit by bit become more dependent upon the PWDVA for their protection. Domestic force now no more become restricted to physical force. There are several instances have been filed which are non physical force like verbal and sexual. It was besides argued that this act is making unfairness to work forces. This act is to the full dedicated to adult females, but non refering about those work forces confronting force from adult females. Dowry is still a dominant factor for domestic force ; it is more common in the provinces of north-west India. Up to few extent commissariats of act has able to cut down domestic force and besides has brought in the alterations to patriarchal attitude of the males but there is no punishment for make fulling false instances, this led to lifting in false prosecution in marital discourse. Apart from that there should be proper consciousness and societal acknowledgment with rigorous execution of the Act, so that it can convey a behavioural alteration to society to a great extent. Decision If we look at statistical figure from â€Å"National Family Health Survey, 2005-2006† of domestic force, proportion of adult females experienced different sorts of force varies greatly by province, but physical force entirely most common signifier of force across all the provinces of the state. The frequence of physical and sexual force is least in Himachal Pradesh ( 6 per cent ) , following in Jammu and Kashmir ( 1percent ) , and in Goa 15 per centum. On the other manus, highest in Bihar by 56 per centum and 45-47 per centum are in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Tripura. ( NFHS, 2005-2006, ch. 15 ) So from the NFHS survey’s informations we can recognize that in every province of India domestic force is a common phenomenon. The tendency of force threatens the authorization of adult females, every bit good as it is a barrier to the socio-economic development of the state. Again from the NFHS informations â€Å"37 % of married adult females and 16 % of single adult females have experienced force. But surprisingly among them merely 2 per centum of the abused adult females were asked for legal protection, so there is need to convey consciousness among women’s in our society, so that they can able to raise their voice against force. Our society, legal defenders should recognize it is the force of human rights. The jurisprudence sends out a powerful message to our society that the male high quality based on patriarchal doctrine will non be tolerated. In order to convey justness and to ease the execution of the act, our bing societal norms and construct of maleness that consequences gender favoritism demand to be transformed to accomplish meaningful responses to Domestic Violence Act. Mentions Badrinath, P. ( 2011 ) .The Challenge of subjectiveness within Courts: Interpreting the Domestic Violence Act. Economic A ; Political Weekly, XLVI( 12 ) , 15-18. Jhamb, B. ( 2011, 13 August ) . The Missing Link in the Domestic Violence Act.Economic A ; Political Weekly, XLVI( 33 ) , 45-50. International Institute of Population Science A ; Macro International. ( 2007 ) .National Family Health Survey ( NFHS-3 ) , 2005-2006: Bharat: Volume I. Bombay: IIPS Lawyers Collective Women’s Rights Initiative. ( 2013 ) . Sixth Monitoring A ; Evaluation Report on the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. Staying Alive: Evaluating Court Orders. Retrieved from Lawyers Collective Women’s Rights Initiative web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //